by Fran Molloy | 14 Sep 2009 | All, Journalism
This is a feature article written for the September 2009 issue of internet business mag NETT magazine. As search engines begin to understand meaning and context – the web as we know it will change. In this article, I’ve spoken to some key experts about...
by Fran Molloy | 5 Aug 2009 | All, Journalism
This is a feature article written for the August 2009 issue of internet business mag NETT magazine; it explores the process of choosing a new name for your business or product, talks to marketing experts about selecting names – and finds out, what should come...
by Fran Molloy | 27 Mar 2008 | All, Journalism
This feature, for ABC Science, gives a very broad overview of social networking, outlining some of the main sites as well as some specific to scientists. It also lists some key concerns for users of online social media, and outlines the tricky balance for social media...
by Fran Molloy | 27 Jan 2007 | All, Journalism
If your inbox is bulging at the seams and you don’t have a minute to yourself – maybe it’s time to choose from the many organising tools available on the web. This is a feature article written for the technology section of The Age and the Sydney...