by Fran Molloy | 14 Sep 2009 | All, Journalism
This is a feature article written for the September 2009 issue of internet business mag NETT magazine. As search engines begin to understand meaning and context – the web as we know it will change. In this article, I’ve spoken to some key experts about...
by Fran Molloy | 29 Jan 2009 | All, Journalism
This story for the Sydney Morning Herald ‘Essential’ health section explores the implications of an Australian health study that found two-thirds of women suffer from abdominal bloating. More information is available from the Gut Foundation Contact us if...
by Fran Molloy | 18 Sep 2008 | All, Journalism
Mobile phones, computer screens and even gaming consoles all carry health risks; this article for Livewire, the technology section in The Age, looks at some of the common problems for technology consumers in Australia. One source for this story was Canberra...
by Fran Molloy | 31 Aug 2008 | All, Journalism
Time management book “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” has topped international business book bestseller lists for eight years. Written by mild-mannered time-management superman David Allen, a Californian management consultant, the book...
by Fran Molloy | 27 Mar 2008 | All, Journalism
This feature, for ABC Science, gives a very broad overview of social networking, outlining some of the main sites as well as some specific to scientists. It also lists some key concerns for users of online social media, and outlines the tricky balance for social media...