by Fran Molloy | 5 Aug 2009 | All, Journalism
This is a feature article written for the August 2009 issue of internet business mag NETT magazine; it explores the process of choosing a new name for your business or product, talks to marketing experts about selecting names – and finds out, what should come...
by Brendan Fitzpatrick | 21 Jun 2009 | All, Design
A brand is the combination of the logo, image, identity, reputation and presence of an organisation. Rebranding is a process that reviews all of these elements and considers changing some or all of them – for the better. Why should an organisation undertake a...
by Fran Molloy | 31 Aug 2008 | All, Journalism
Time management book “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” has topped international business book bestseller lists for eight years. Written by mild-mannered time-management superman David Allen, a Californian management consultant, the book...
by Fran Molloy | 27 Jan 2007 | All, Journalism
If your inbox is bulging at the seams and you don’t have a minute to yourself – maybe it’s time to choose from the many organising tools available on the web. This is a feature article written for the technology section of The Age and the Sydney...